Sunday, January 20, 2013

La Venencia

Unique in the world, “La Venencia” is a place where time seems to be stopped, but this is not the only thing that makes this place so special
This tavern from 1920 has a long series of singularities.
The atmosphere of past times, the premises remain unchanged for many years. Is the only place in the world were only sherry it is served (Fino, Manzanilla, Oloroso, Amontillado and Palo Cortado). No soft drinks, beer or wine or other liquor can be taken in “La Venencia”.
The collection of posters from the missing Sherry Fair is so unique that the Office of Tourism Jerez requested for an exhibition (what was refused by “La Venencia” in order  to avoid injury).
The wine is brought by them from Sanlucar de Barrameda and served direcly from their aged barrels.
The premises, a former Goat milk store, remains intact, including the dust from the bottles, between which we can see a venencia (pot to pour the wine out of the barrel).
The current owners, several brothers who take turns behind the counter, have as an unbreakable principle not to alter neither the local nor the environment of the place, that has been transferred to them as it is by its previous owner.

What has changed from previous owner is that today it is a very popular place with a diverse clientele: neighborhood residents, foreigners bohemians, fine wine lovers, intellectuals, tourists, bullfighting critics, hippies ...
Everything there takes you back to other times. The low light, the barrels, the cash register, the old phone, the fireplace...
A cat wanders freely through the legs of the customers and finds the best place in the local.

La Venencia: Echegaray Street nº 17

For more information:

-Tabernas y tapas en Madrid. Carlos Osorio. Ediciones la Libreria.


Picture and Text: Álvaro Rey

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